Video coverage of DNC protests: Some say "Bern it Down"
July 24: Video from the March for a Clean Energy Revolution featuring the Indigenous contingent
July 24: Video from the "Bernie or Bust" march on the DNC
July 26: Black DNC Resistance says "Hillery Delete Yourself!" video originally uploaded to Twitter by Stephanie Wash.
July 26: Roll Call video: Sanders supporters walk out during roll call vote on Clinton nomination
July 28:Sanders supporters push coffin over fortified Convention fence video originally published to Youtube by Rod Webber
July 28: Video of scene at gates of DNC as protest continues after Hillery's speech originally posted to Twitter by Cassandra Fairbanks
Updates Thu July 28: Hundreds hold signs protesting TPP trade deal as Obama speaks. At least 7 arrests reported as protesters tried to get in. Haitians protest outside DNC against Clinton Foundation's response to the 2010 earthquake. Protesters build up as Hillery prepares to speak, cops on both sides of the fortified fence.As usual, Code Pink manages to get inside. At least one member of Code Pink expelled for calling for a boycott of Israel. More reports of Sanders delegates walking out-and of credentials being revoked for "unapproved" signs or participating in walkouts. Protests continue past midnight, Sanders suppporters protest for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. The Green Party and Jill Stein may pick up millions of votes because of this convention.
Updates Wed July 27: DNC turns out the lights on section of venue where conventiongoers were chanting "No More War!" Ad appears on Craiglist for 700 actors to replace 700 people "removed" from DNC after last night's mass walkout by Sanders supporters.Source of ad unverified, ad removed after one hour.Twitter report:BREAKING: Protesters wearing black and gas-masks JUST broke through the fence that separates the DNC and protest. Police all over. Anarchy?
Updates Tuesday, 7-26:Philly Black Lives Matter's Black DNC Resistance marches up Broad Street, gets blocked at City Hall. Report of Broad Street "heavily locked down" as not seen since the Broad Street Run. One of the lead banners reads "Hillery Delete Yourself." This should be expected after Hillery's notorious "superpredator" comments during the 1990's. More reports of DNC staff taking Sanders signs away from convention participants. In response to Hillery's nomination Sanders supporters walk out of convention, storm media tent and stage a sit-in, declaring they refuse to accept Clinton as the Democrat's nominee. Some report up to 1,000 walked out. A CNN poll shows Hillery Clinton trailing Trump 45%-48% in a head to head matchup and in a real-world race with Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Hillery polls 39% against Trump's 44%. Polls have reliably shown Sanders leading Trump by at least 5% and sometimes double digits. This is what protesters were talking about on Sunday as they warned "a vote for Hillery is a vote for Trump."
Updates Monday 7-25:DNC staff reported "ripping" Sander signs from anyone inside the convention spotted with one. Meanwhile 50+ arrests at a civil disobedience march on the DNC. Youtube video of Democracy Spring arrests at the DNC fenceline. Some of the arrestees climbed over police barricades. They were protesting the DNC's unbound "superdelegates" whose very presence may have deterred Sanders voters and thus rigged the primaries for Hillery. At one point CNN cut away from protest coverage to a Boyz 2 Men video. Inside the Convention, Sanders was booed when he endorsed Hilllery. On the other hand, Sanders took time out from endorsing Hillery to slam the TPP trade deal, to huge applause. The next day no less than Nancy Pelosi said the TPP must be stopped.
Sunday, July 24-it begins: Protests against Hillery's bought and paid for Democratic National Convention began on Sunday, July 24 as news broke that DNC chair Wasserman Schultz had resigned over hacker-released emails snowing systematic DNC efforts to favor Hillery over Sanders in the primaries. First up on Sunday, July 24 was the March for a Clean Energy Revolution. The lead contingent was Native Americans warning that no oil or gas pipelines would be permitted to cross their land and poison their water. Further back was a contingent opposing the TPP trade deal Hillery claims to oppose but is suspected of lying about that opposition. Later in the day a march of Bernie Sanders supporters marched all the way to the gates of the heavily fortified convention site.
On Monday, July 25th (the first day of the DNC itself) Bernie Sanders tried without success to demand that protesters in the street stand down and accept his endorsement of Hillery Clinton. Many refused, even mainstream media reported on that refusal. This indicates that the political movement Sanders inspired is bigger than him and not about him, and that he cannot act as a dictator ordering his supporters to accept a pro-TPP, Goldman-Sachs funded substitute. He cannot order "party unity" for the simple reason that many marching in the streets for what he stood for are not now and never were members or supporters of the Democratic Party. Many were Greens before, their slogan is "Bernie or Bust" and many say they plan now to vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party as "Plan B." Protesters at the July 24th march also warned that Sanders polls at least 5% better against Donald Trump than Hillery does and that "a vote for Hillery is a vote for Trump.

A contingent in the March for a Clean Energy Revolution opposing the TPP or Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

Bike cops (as at the GOP Convention in 2000 also in Philly) escorting the Bernie Sanders march on the convention site

"Bern it down" banner with the miles of fenced-in fortifications surrounding the DNC site behind it. Photo by Moorehead/Lilly '16