State of Emergency as neo-Nazi "Unite the Right" hatefest explodes into chaos, terror attack
Update Aug 16: Unicorn Riot video proves fascists started the fight in Charlottesville, proving Trump's claim antifascists waded into the Nazis with clubs to be yet another lie from him
"Unite the Right" shut down by counterprotesters by 1PM, Governor declare state of emergency. About 45 minutes later a Nazi rammed counterprotesters in his car, a grey Dodge Charger. Charlottesville Mayor confirms one killed, 19 injured.
The original alt-right rally at Emancipation Part was SHUT DOWN by about 1PM. after fights led to a declaration of a "state of emergency." Armed racists with semiauto rifles were present, but only punches, pepper spray, and shields were used in the fighting around Emancipation Park. Denied the venue containing the contested Confederate statue, the Racists regrouped at McGuffey Park for a halfhearted second attempt at their rally. Counterprotesters either held or retook Emancipation Park.
Big cheers were reported from counterprotesters when it was reported that Richard Spencer had been arrested, but a later report said he was NOT arrested but was repeatedly maced. Photo shows him on ground under cops, presumably he was only detained. Just after 1:40PM a car driven by a Nazi rammed a mostly local crowd. reports and the Mayor of Charlottesville cofirms one person killed, 19 taken to the hospital. There are reports of other, lesser injuries as well.
This terrorist vehicle attack on a street march has drawn comparisons of the alt-right to ISIS/Daesh, well known for similar tactics. Video confirms ramming car rear-ended two other cars in a chain reaction crash, pushing them into the crowd. The driver then fled the scene and temporarily escaped, full speed reverse. The rear-ended cars may have saved many lives by blocking the ramming car from a more powerful impact lengthwise through what would have been a totally unprotected march.
Overall analysis of these events:
Although very, very expensive for the courageous people who stood up to Nazi hate in Charlottesville, the Nazis and KKK have taken a serious defeat. They lost militarily when they lost Emancipation Park, and they lost politically when they flushed away their "free speech" argument for preaching murder and mayhem by putting murder and mayhem into practice.
Confederate statues in the US are probably finished now, and the mainstream press has turned on the alt-right with a vengeance. The TV News in DC bluntly called the alt-right the Klansmen and Nazis they are. They callled out Trump for trying to equivocate. The Sep 16 alt-right "Mother of all rallies" here in DC is the next major alt-right event and will face a very frosty reception, maybe even get shut down by the city.
There is one more point to be made here. The temporary escape of the driver of the ramming car would have been difficult with a deployed airbag, as is normally present on current Dodge Chargers and all other recent cars. If the drivers side airbag was missing or disabled, that suggests premeditation of the attack, possibly days in advance.
Timeline of events:
6:05PM: WTOP News reports driver caught "quickly," police helicopter possibly responding to protests crashed in Charlottesville.
5:50PM: Photo published to Twitter by shows attacking car's tag number as GVF 1111 state unknown. White nationalists helped driver escape with directions to avoid cops.
5:30PM: Charlottesville Mayor confirms report of one person killed, 19 injured. Looks like had the accurate report. Much effort throughout day on rumor control.
5 reports one protester killed by the vehicle attack. confirms, also reports injury count at 19. Fallen activist is a woman who was active in the IWW according to the report.
Video from two angles of the grey Dodge Charger ramming counterprotesters.
3:30PM:Video shows the attacking car ramming and rear-ending other cars stopped at the intersection, pushing them into the crowd, then driving away in reverse with heavy damage to the attacking car, a grey Dodge Charger. A source on the ground reports the march was in the process of turning at the intersection when the attack came suddenly with a very loud noise thought by some to be a dumpster being rolled.
2:15 PM: Report of one woman hit by Nazi car "unresponsive." Vehicle reported as gray Dodge Charger, be on the lookout for it.
Urgent Update 1:47PM: Car rams counterprotest crowd, medics swarming scene. Car rammed at 40 MPH, hit 15 people, reversed and escaped. called this a "coordinated attack." Many ambulances but no police response. Alt-right leaders then fled. Report of Richard Spencer advising Nazis to leave town. Was this before he was arrested, or has he already been released? reports Emancipation Park retaken(or never lost?) by counterprotesters
August 12, 1pm: Alt-Right regrouped in McGuffey park a few miles away. Report that Richard Spencer has been arrested. Massive cheers from counterprotesters at that announcement.
August 12, 12:38pm: WTOP Radio claims white nationalist rally "called off," CBS news claims "police clearing Emancipation Park" though that might not be easy. WTOP claims concrete-filled water bottles thrown, no report on by whom.
August 12, 12:30: White supremacist challenged an antifa protester to punch him in the mouth, the challenge was accepted and he reportedly got punched. Report that one of the "3 percenters" accidently maced himself. Infowars cameraman reportedly got a facefull of mace too.
August 12, 12:10pm: Report of Richard Spencer "maced with a hose" by Virgina State Police.
August 12, 12:03pm: Baked Alaska says he "having a panic attack" after getting a facefull of red hot pepper spray. Punch all nazis, mace all fascists!
August 12, high noon: Video of one of the first fights, posted to Twitter by the Tennesee GOP
August 12, high noon: State of Emergency declared as things kick off. Turnout roughly even on both sides. Lots of "3%ers" with rifles and "based stickmen" on scene, rocks reported thrown. Role of police unclear, conflicting reports of hands off or siding with Nazis.
Photo of riot cops, about 12:30PM. They didn't have the only plastic shields and riot gear, lots of riot cop style equipment in use by alt-right.
Photo of ramming driver posted to Twitter by Tactical Talk Be on the lookout for this driver!
Screenshot (from Twitter) of the grey Dodge Charger leaving the scene of a personal injury "accident," fleeing full speed reverse after ramming two cars and the crowd.