DC cop caught driving without lights near Dupont Circle
At about 2:50AM, MPD Seargent Nebal drove MPD cruiser #1213 with all lights turned off on a foot trail between the "P st Beach" woods and the tennis courts behind the school. He got there by driving through the school's parking lot, again without lights.
There is pedestrian traffic in that area 24-7. In addition, the footpath is very dark and contains many obstacles. In addition to the reckless risk to pedestrians, Sgt Nebel ran the risk of damaging his expensive police cruiser on rocks or holes, and requiring the services of a tow truck to retrieve his car.
The obstacles on that trail confine any motor vehicle to a single, predictable path, which Sgt Nebel had to find and follow without lights. There is more than enough "swine flu" in the Dupont Circle area without the risk of being run down by a police officer choosing to drive without lights.
In most jurisdictions, "turning off lights to avoid identification" of a vehicle is punishable by revocation of the offender's driver's license, due to the severe hazard a 3,000 pound car driven after dark without lights represents