Breaking: ICE Gestapo descends on 7-11 stores, including in DC
On the 10th of January, ICE agents descended on about 100 7-11 stores in a coordinated attack aimed at "interviewing" worker and delivering some kind of audits or "notices of inspection." Fortunately, only 21 arrests came from the entire sweep. Stores were hit in D.C., Maryland, Indiana, Illinois,California, Florida, Missouri, and elsewhere.
This comes on the heels of reports that Motel 6 has been voluntarily reporting customers with "foreign-sounding" names to ICE. There are also reports on Twitter that Korean-owned businesses are being harassed by the ICE Gestapo. This is the sort of pogrom that one would have expected from Trump's Nazi (alt-right) friends back in the 1930's.
One bright spot in all this is that a Federal court has blocked Trump's unilateral revocation of the DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals) program in response to a lawsuit filed by the state of California. While it is unknown how long this will last or if California will win the suit on its merits, at least someone is pulling the brake lever on the Trump Deportation Train.