Police visit home, harass local activist after Tucker Carlson home demo
On the 8th of November, less than 24 hours after protesters showed up at the home of far-right media personality Tucker Carlson, cops showed up knocking on a local activist's door. This was not the same activist who was harassed after the Aug 12 "Unite the Right II" counterprotests but another activist.
Tucker Carlson works for both FOX News and the Daily Caller. Apparently he is also a major crybaby, along with all his far-right friends. The home demo differed little from the HLS home demos of a few years ago, yet extreme-right Trolls are now calling on Twitter and elsewhere for arrests and even SHOOTING protesters at home demos. The SmashracismDC Twitter account has been suspended after a probable blizzard of GOP/far right complaints, and police have now harassed one activist at his home. Tucker Carlson and his buddies claimed on social media that his front door was "cracked" by protesters, but photographic evidence contradicts this claim.
Video of the Nov 7 anti-hate/anti-Fascist protest at Tucker Carlson's house (1 min 49 sec), as you can see this was pretty much a "normal" HLS style home demo.