Washington Gas owned by MVP investor AltaGas

As part of their "Project Pipes" campaign to shut down Washington Gas instead of giving them a $5 billion subsidy to replace their leaking pipes, Extinction Rebellion DC (XRDC) researched their ownership. On turning over a rock, XRDC uncovered a toxic mess: turns out Washington Gas is owned by Michigan-based AltaGas, an investor in the infamous Mountain Valley Pipeline or MVP.

Looks like XRDC is jousting against a much bigger opponent than they originally suspected! The MVP has been delayed for years by repeated "goal line stands" using heavy-duty civil disobedience and more to buy time for lawsuits to win more delays. Over and over permits have expired or simply been denied. The MVP was supposed to be dead, but Joe Manchin forced Federal permit expedition into the summer debt ceiling budget deal, so back to the trenches go land defenders.

Activists have known for some time where Joe Manchin lives: his "Almost Heaven" houseboat at Washington Marina was the subject of kayak protests and dockside visits back in 2021. At one of them "Masarati Manchin" used his Masarati parked in a garage at the Marina to push his way through early AM protesters.

Now activists know where Washington Gas's bosses live too-in Michigan not DC, MD, or VA. Details should not be hard to find. Whatever the financial and environmental comparisons of replacing Washington gas' $5 billion worth of leaking, rusty, and unfit for further use gas pipes vs replacing every gas stove and furnace in DC with electric, there is no question that all the corporate parasites behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline need to be shut down and NOT replaced.


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