
The AllOutDC stage at Pershing Park where go-go bands played. Many more people were on 14th st s close to the fascists as they could get

The MAGAts, fascists, and outright Nazis at their so-called "free speech" rally


The black bloc that got to 12th and E (blocking the obvious route to Harry's Bar) before being forced to retreat back to the park by swarms of bike cops


This is when it is REALLY obvious we are dealing with Nazis


Someone riding a scooter in a Pepe the Frog mask shortly before the reconvened bloc marched on Trump Hotel and Harry's Bar


Cops covering route between Harry's Bar and Trump Hotel for failed attempt at moving a bus to pick up or drop off white nationalists


Fascists gathering at Harry's Bar prior to the main fascist rally. This bar hosted fascists after both MOAR events 2017 and 2018, plus both before and after the July 6 fascist rally.


This "Trump truck" was used for sound at the Harry's Bar street party after the main event, was parked there all day. This or a similar setup was also used at the 2018 MOAR or "Mother of all Rallies," an extreme-right pro-Trump event


This line of bike cops blocking a march near Pershing Square Park shows how far MPD will go to protect their open fascist comrades in arms

John Zangas photo of Trump Baby Balloon. It is grounded as Trump himself will be if Congress ever takes real action on the Mueller report

Trump on the throne (Still from Code Pink video)


Trump campaign trash on display just outside the 17th st checkpoint. Similar to materials burned during J20 (Trump's Inauguration) and outside the Deploraball


Proud Boys in DC already starting to hassle people.


Joey Johnson and Carl Dix burn the AmeriKKKan flag in front of the White House. Proud Boys waiting in the crowd rushed the scene trying to put out the flames, afterwards were hassling many other people around the White House

All out DC July 6 10 AM Pershing Park, #Mutethealtright

GOP member Joey Salads is scheduled to speak at the July 6 fascist rally

Poster featuring Tucker Carlson seen on the corner near the home of Trump adviser Stephen Miller

The scene at Columbia Heights Civil Plaza as the rally got underway


The march heads east, with the ICE out of DC banner in the lead
