
Marchers on Capitol Hill stand against TAA bill critical to TPP fast-track

On the 15th of June, protesters from a number of groups marched on Capitol Hill, demanding NO COMPROMISE on the TAA "Trade Assistance Authority" bill without which passage of TPP/TTIP/TISA fast track is considered impossible. Both Flush the TPP and Feminist Majority Foundation were well represented. Not long after, the vote on TAA was put off to an unspecified time between now and July 30 in an attempt to keep the deal alive. This was because Boehner now fears that an actual vote will be a no vote, ending almost any chance that the TPP trade deal will be finished or ratified while Obama remains in office.

Popular Resistance Youtube video of the march

Still from the Youtube video

Climate activists demand Smithsonian remove David Koch from Board of Regents

On the 15th of June, the Smithsonian's Board of Regents met at the museum's "castle." Outside were climate activists demanding the removal of David H Koch from the boards of both of the Smithsonian's Museums of Natural History (DC and NYC). In addition, they demanded the Smithsonian reject financial contributions from the Koch Brothers, who have spent billions on climate change denial. The activists delivered four boxes filled with petitions asking the Smithsonian to cut ties with the Koch's to the board meeting, they were accepted by Smithsonian staff.

Video-protest demanding the Smithsonian dump the Koch Brothers

National Climate Mobilization march demands WWII level mobilization against climate chaos

On the 14th of June, Climate First! hosted one of a national series of Climate Mobilization marches demanding that the same level of effort put into the Second World War be applied to climate change. Activists marched from the WWII memorial to the White House, some with WWII style "Rosie the Riveter" posters concerning climate change.

Video of the march-version 2

Corporate/assimilationist contingents at Pride clash with message of Stonewall

Capitol Pride 2015 started out with well over a hour of corporate and assimilationist floats. The first mention of Stonewall came about 15 minutes from the end of the parade, courtesy of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Certainly the Wells Fargo contingent, whose sponsor invests in private prisons, was not about to mention Stonewall. That is especially true now that people from Ferguson to Baltimore to Texas are once again fighting the police.

Video contrasting traditional contingents and message of Stonewall with corporate contingents

Related Video: Fundamentalist Christians jeered for threatening Pride festival with Hell

Pride celebrates the June 28,1969 victory where Gays fought back and forcibly repelled a police raid on a Gay bar. This contingent was near the end of the parade

Bicycle racers take to streets of Clarendon, VA

On the 13th of June, the Clarendon Cup bicycle race was once again held on a a very tight course laid out on the streets of downtown Clarendon. The winning team and rider were sponsored by United Health Care, notorious for removing all dental coverage from their "community" or Medicaid plan. The race itself was sponsored by the US Air Force, known for guzzling jet fuel. In spite of all that, the annual Clarendon Cup is a spectacular bike race including pro teams, some of which also ride in the Tour de France.

Video highlights of the race
