Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/22/2017 - 22:32
Jan 22 is Donald Chump's 3rd day in office and acts of resistance continue. On I-495 (Capitol Beltway) between Ga Ave and Connecticut Ave a pair of banners were dropped, one facing each direction. The banner facing the eastbound lanes reads "Love Trumps Hate" and a banner facing the westbound lanes reads "Dump Trump." Trump is already becoming extraordinarily dangerous. His neo-Nazi buddy Richard Spencer (who got punched during the Inauguration) is challenging Trump to make overtly confronting anti-Fascist activists the first test of his reign. This is just like the old "first they came for the Communists" situation except that anarchists and other progressives are also being targetted.
Love Trumps Hate banner facing eastbound traffic on I-495. A traffic backup blocked a photo run on the Westbound lanes to get an image of the "Dump Trump" banner facing that way.