
Ferguson/Michael Brown protesters shut down U st, Adams-Morgan

Saturday night, the 6th of September was the third Saturday night in a row that Ferguson/Michael Brown protesters marched into and shut down one or more gentrified parts of the city. Two weeks earlier it was Chinatown, last week it was H st where all the new money is flowing into NE, this time around it was U Street and later Adams-Morgan and Columbia heights.

Video of the march set to "thunderstruck" for the storm that rolled in

Taking over U Street

Sierra Club demands Dominion Resources dump ALEC at ALEC's headquarters

On the 4th of September, the Sierra Club backed up by Virigina residents including the Mayor of Alexandria showed up in front of the offices of ALEC, the American legislative Exchange Council. They were demanding that Dominion Resources stop contributing money paid by Virginia ratepayers to this far-right thinktank. ALEC is the largest non political party donor of campaign cash in Virginia, and Dominion's customers literally have no choice but to help ALEC corrupt the political process simply by paying their electrical bills.

Video featuring speakers including the Mayor of Alexandria

Ferguson Solidarity march shuts down H st on Saturday night

On Saturday night, the 30th of August, Ferguson solidarity marchers assembled at Union Station, then marched on H Streen NE, shutting it down for over two hours. Cops were blocked from hassling stragglers and many bystanders joined the march. Eventually the march grew to a length of about two blocks of people taking the whole street.

1 min 20 sec video, clips cut from "DC Solidarity by Stream" coverage posted by "Gen Knox"

Full HD Video of the Shut Down H Street march for Ferguson

Photo cropped from Ben Norton Twitter feed, original credit given to Omar Alzayat

Critical Mass rides to National Police memorial, King Memorial for Ferguson Solidarity

On the 29th of August, Critical Mass bikes rides around the US were transformed in part or in whole to Ferguson solidarity events. Here in DC, the ride made a pit stop at the National Police Memorial, where "hand up don't shoot" photos were taken and the NWA song "Fuck Tha Police" was at one point played by a rider from a portable sound system. A second and more somber stop was at the Martin Luther King memorial.

Video of the ride

hands up-don't shoot!

Banks and Investors Challenge Predatory Funds Solutions Fall Short of Comprehensive Protection for Poor Countries

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA), a group of banks and investors, released a new debt framework this morning aimed at reducing the ability of predatory funds and holdout investors to undermine debt restructuring.
