
The Shortwave Report 2/20/15 Listen Globally!

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            The latest Shortwave Report (February 20) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

Muslims, DC Ferguson protest hypocritical "countering violent extremism" summit

On the 18th of February, Obama began his "countering violent extremism" summit, which is mostly an event to coordinate police efforts to spy on and infiltrate Muslim communities. Outside, both Muslims and DC Ferguson activists called out this event for hypocrisy. The US itself was called out for the drone strikes used for extra-judicial executions throughout the Muslim world. This was compared to the routine and never punished street executions of African-Americans by killer cops, often by jump-outs in DC. Lastly everyone was reminded that the profile of almost every terrorist in the US has been an angry, armed white male. This includes last week's murder of three Muslims by a terrorist in North Carolina. No doubt Obama's summit will pay little attention to the ongoing drumbeat of mass murders by angry white men in the US.

Selected video highlights of the protest

DC Ferguson condemns lack of Federal charges for DC cops who killed Ralphael Briscoe

On the 16th of February, DC Ferguson released a statement condemning the refusal of a Federal jury to hold DC cops even civally liable for the murder of Ralphael Briscoe during a "jump-out" attack by the police. Once again there is no justice for those murdered by the police, just the people. DC Ferguson has also called for a rally and march on Sunday, Feb 22 at 6PM starting at the Congress Heights Metro station. This protest will march to the 7th district police station.

Protesters outside CIA condemn drone killing of 12 year old

The vigils against armed drones continue at CIA headquarters, 10 AM on the second Satuurday of each month.This month as always the vigil triggered the closure of the Dolly Madison Ave entrance to CIA for several hours. One focus of the February 14th vigil was the killing of 12 year old Mohammed Saleh Qayed Taeiman by one of these drone strikes in Yemen on Jan 26. Somehow the CIA identified him as one of three "al Qaeda militants" targeted for extra-judicial execution by armed drone.

DC Global Divestment Day demands AU divest from fossil fuel investments

On the 13th of February, there were Global Divestiment Day actions in over 200 cities just on Turtle Island demanding that institutions divest from fossil fuel corporations. Here in DC, AU students and many others demanded that American University withdraw all of their investments from the fossil fuel industry. One speaker bluntly invoked the sucessful divestment campaign that forced South Africa to dump Apartheid. Another model, not mentioned at the protest would be the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences that made them too hot for almost all financial institutions to handle.

Video highlights of the rally
