
Banner drop in solidarity with Portland protesters

On the 24th of July, unknown activists dropped a banner from a highway overpass in solidarity with the Portland protesters who have been slugging it out with Trump's Federal Stormtroopers.

Five Seattle media outlets subpeonaed for raw video/photos of protests

On the 31st of May, protests in Seattle included the burning of police cars same as in DC the previous night. Also included was the seizure of two guns from the cops. A month and a half later, a Federal judge issued subpeonas to the Seattle Times and four TV stations for all photos and videos of the protests that night. If they comply, they will have to be treated as police photographers at all subsequent protests.

DC Indymedia journalist Luke Kuhn burns a 2018 grand jury subpeona on the courthouse steps. The Seattle Times and those four TV stations can do this too.

Car pushes protesters as Mayor Bowser gets another Defund MPD home demo

On the 23ed of July, Black Lives Matter activists arrived outside Mayor Bowser's house for yet another residential protest demanding she defund MPD. The protest was largely an educational session on how cops don't make Black people any safer. As a real-world example of this, cops did nothing about it when an impatient driver tried to forcibly push through protesters as the rally began.

Video of the car incident 1 min 52 sec

Driver using his car in an attempt to forcibly push through protesters across the street from the Mayor's house

Video: Federal cops get their asses kicked in Portland street battle

Wow! Wrestling with bacon on the bottom!

Franklin Square closed for "renovation"

It looks like the question of why police harassed homeless people camping in Franklin Square just before the George Floyd Uprising started has been answered. A "partnership between the National Park Service and ... Mayor Muriel Bowser" has fenced off the park for a major renovation project. No doubt this is to include permanent expulsion of the homeless to make way for upscale office workers and power lunches.

Yuppies in, Homeless out. Mayor Bowser and Trump's federal troops (in the form of Park Police) working in unity

Wheels for Justice bike ride takes I-395

On the 19th of July, exactly a month after the Pike statue outside MPD was torn down, the "Wheels for Justice" bike ride took to the streets. The highlight of the ride was taking over I-395.

Video-the ride on I-395 2 min 20 sec

Wheels for Justice on I-395

Fuck the Police march reaches BLM Plaza just in time to stop police harassment

On the 18th of July, MPD attempted to intimidate protesters into leaving BLM Plaza-just before the "Fuck the Police" march arrived and by their presence ended the police offensive. The John Lewis Vigil and midnight yoga then took place without further harassment. En route, the march chanted "Fire, fire, gentrifier! in Adams-Morgan and other gentrified areas.

Video-marchers chant "fire, fire, gentrifier!" in Adams-Morgan 33 sec

The march arrives at BLM Plaza, ending police attempts to scare away protesters

Mayor Bowser gets another Defund MPD home demo

On Friday, the 17th of July, Black Lives Matter protesters again marched on the home of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, demanding that she defund MPD. Her response was to summon over 30 cops to "protect" her from the public.

Still from video posted by Chuck Modi to twitter

ICE refuses 250K petitions after release of detained kids delayed

Friday, the 17th of July was supposed to be a court-ordered deadline for ICE to release detained children so they don't get COVID-19. Instead, ICE went and got another ten-day extension, twice the 5 day average covid incubation period. In response, protesters descended on ICE with 250K signed petitions demanding these children and their families be released. Guards refused to accept the boxed petitions, claiming nobody was there.

Video-scene at the door as ICE refuses the petitions 2 min 23 sec

Scene at ICE's door

Police harassment over table at BLM Plaza defeated as protesters stand their ground

On the 16th of July, MPD cops at Black Lives Matter menaced protesters and attempted to intimidate them into removing a table used for a "paint and protest" sign-making workshop. The cops cited vending laws even though nothing was for sale, only to back down when protesters refused to remove the table. The vending enforcement goons did not even show up.

Video of the failed attempt by MPD to intimidate protesters into removing the paint table 2 min 50 sec

lead cop takes pose intended to intimidate protesters
