
Black Lives Matter DC selected to be Grand Marshalls at MLK Day parade

On the 15th of January, Black Lives Matter DC marched in the annual DC MLK day parade. Black Lives Matter DC also had the honor of being selected as grand marshalls in the parade this year.

Video highlights of the Black Lives Matter contingent

DC Black Lives Matter in the house!

Remembering Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr (video)

On the second anniversary of the execution of Shia civil rights and democracy activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the Saudi Arabian government, his god-son Mustafa and a colleague drove from Michigan and joined Code Pink to protest in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy. Despite a wind chill in the single digits, the late Sheikh's voice filled the street in a reminder of the continuing human rights abuses against Shia citizens in Saudi Arabia.

YouTube Livestream


Short interview at 16:35

Get The Internationalist No. 50!

Special expanded Winter 2017 edition: 80 pages of revolutionary Marxist propaganda. Send US$2 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA. Subscriptions $10.


Shortened video of anti-fascist counterprotesters confronting the Richard Spencer rally in front of the White House, as well as police escorting the white supremacists away and into the subway.

Power4PuertoRico distributes paper towels on Capitol Hill

On the 20th of December, members of Power4PuertoRico distributed paper towels on Capitol Hill, evoking Trump's infamous paper towel tossing in his post-hurricane visit to Puerto Rico. The paper towel distrubution was to remind members of Congress that Puerto Rico cannot rebuild unless Congress passes a comprehensive aid package.

Washington Football team recommits to racist name, "Redhawks" advocates rally before game

On the 17th of December, advocates of changing the Washington Football Team's name to Washington Redhawks held a pep rally before the team's 1PM game at FedEx Field. Speakers included members of the Piscataway Nation, on whose land FedEx Field sits. This was after the Washington Football Team released a Dec 13 statement condemning the "Redhawks" publicity stunt and recommitting to keeping the team's racist name.

Photo by Amkonning

Rising Hearts hoaxes Washington Football Team with name change to Redhawks

On the 14th of February, Rising Hearts Coalition spread a story that the Washington Football Team has finally agreed to ditch their racist name and mascot, replacing them with "Washington Redhawks."


Over 200 arrested on Capitol steps in pro-DACA protest

On the 6th of December, over 200 people were arrested on the steps of the US Capitol demanding that a DREAM act to protect migrants brought to the US as children be passed.

16 sec video clip of protesters on US Capitol steps

Indigenous pray-in at US Capitol opposes GOP tax bill

Leaders from the Gwich’in Nation and Inupiaq Tribe traveled from northern Alaska and the Yukon Territory in Canada on Dec 6 to lead a pray in against the tax bill and urge Congress to drop drilling in the Arctic from the bill. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Jeff Merkley, Senator Mark Udall, and Representative Alan Lowenthal all came out to support and joined the call to stop Arctic drilling.

Neo Nazis blocked from reaching Lafayette Park for rally

Video:Counterprotesters halt Nazi march on Penn Ave, swarm of police respond

On the 3rd of December, neo-Nazis attempted to march to Lafayette Park in front of the White House for a rally with speakers. They ran into stiff opposition as two different groups opposing fascism marched onto Pennsylvania Ave to confront them. The advance of the Nazis then stalled, and this was as far as they got. A large number of cops then blocked the road and pushed into the space between the Nazis and the much greater number of counterprotesters.

Front line on Penn Ave
